Month: January 2023

  • The FemmePhysiques Mission

    FemmePhysiques Body And Mind Aligned logo
    FemmePhysiques Body And Mind Aligned logo

    Welcome to FemmePhysiques!

    I’m Christina Kathleen and I’ve created this Blog in hopes of sharing and connecting with others who are also on a path to a happier, healthier, and more balanced, body and mind.

    After decades of research and experience as a fitness professional, I’ve realized the minefield of misinformation there is about women’s fitness and wellness. 

    FemmePhysiques is dedicated to sharing all of the secrets I’ve learned for helping your fitness and wellness lifestyle, become more realistic, attainable, and sustainable!

    Body & Mind Aligned

    So much of your results depends on your mindset, beliefs, and the thoughts you think. Because it’s what you’ve been THINKING that’s creating your body and your reality. This is the secret to success in ALL areas of your life.

    Since the mind-body connection is so powerful, my goal is to help you gain clarity and understanding of the mental blocks and preconditioned patterns of thought that may be holding you back from achieving your greatest potential.

    Your mindset is just as vital to your fitness goals as exercising properly for your desired results.

    The FemmePhysiques Technique

    Throughout my life I’ve tried almost every form of fitness training imaginable! After extensively testing these methods on myself and my clients, I’ve discovered the real secret recipe for success.

    When it comes to women’s strength training, there’s a technique and a balance to sculpting and toning – while maintaining a feminine physique. Training specifically for the results you want is vital to your outcome.

    My life’s work has been dedicated to researching, experimenting, modifying, and designing some of the most effective exercises that will shape and sculpt feminine physiques. Over the years I’ve perfected the best of what I’ve learned into my own unique women’s workout method that can be performed anywhere and with little to no equipment. Since I’ve always been limited to training women locally, I’m excited to be able to share this method worldwide with my FemmePhysiques fitness app!


     I’ve cultivated and designed a collection of seriously effective, yet low-impact exercises with modifications for all fitness levels. A method that provides ultimate body shaping without the potential damage to your knees and joints from high-impact exercises. With the surge in popularity of high-impact workouts, it’s important to be aware of the risks associated with these forms of exercise. Repetitive, high-impact movements may lead to long-term damage on your knee’s, hips, and joints. I cringe when I see some of the high-impact exercises recommended to the average de-conditioned woman. There’s too much potential for injury that far outweighs any benefit.

    Why risk the long-term damage when there are so many more effective, low-impact exercises you could be doing instead? I’ve worked with so many women over the years who’ve had prior injuries and/or surgeries due to them training improperly with some of the popular, high-impact, fitness methods.

    FemmePhysiques enables you to workout smarter, not harder for ultimate body shaping results. Proven exercise techniques that will sculpt, tone and enhance feminine physiques of all shapes and sizes!

    The Time Is Now ⏱️

     After working with countless women I’ve realized that getting started can often be a harder challenge than the actual workout itself! We often feel resistance when we’re about to start anything new that will help us reach our greater potential. Understanding this will help to empower you to overcome the self-defeating, procrastination that can prevent you from moving towards your highest good.

    Although change can be uncomfortable, it’s the one thing that’s constant in life so why not harness that power to make changes for the better?


    It’s better to feel uncomfortable for 30-45 minutes of exercise, than feeling uncomfortable for the rest of your life!


    Fitness is a lifestyle and consistency is key no matter which fitness method you choose.

    The only thing stopping you from your dream body is You! Nobody can do it for you so only you can make it happen for yourself.

    I know we’re all busy babes and our time is precious so I’ll be sharing all of the tips and hacks you need to get your best results faster! I’m here to inspire and motivate you to take care of your body and mind while learning how to realistically maintain your results for a lifetime!

    Feel free to contact me with ideas or suggestions about anything you would like to know more about!

    Subscribe to stay in the loop and receive the most current hot topics about women’s fitness, health and wellness!

    The FemmePhysiques Mission is to help inspire all women to feel more confident, happy and sexy in their own skin - regardless of their shape, size, or age!