
  • 10 Secrets You Need For Summer Self-Care Survival

    Woman relaxing on beach enjoying summer self-care.
    Woman relaxing on beach enjoying summer self-care.

    Summer Self-Care Survival Guide

     Ah summertime… Hot and humid days, lighter evenings, BBQ’s and beach time. But amidst all of the summer gatherings and festivities, remember to take the time to recharge yourself with daily self-care activities.

     Self-care simply means doing the things that help you live well – both physically and mentally. Having daily self-care rituals has been found to reduce stress and anxiety, boost your self-esteem, lower your risk of illness, and increase your energy!

     So enjoy the season, elevate your mood, and prevent any summertime sadness with a little self-love, Vitamin D, and my top 10 secrets for your ultimate summer of self-care!

    sunscreen tube laying on beach

    1. Sunscreen Self-Care

    Protecting your skin from the harsh summer sun is one the most important things you can do for yourself this summer. Sunscreen helps prevent skin cancer, wrinkles, sunspots, and photo-aging caused by the damaging UV rays. Dermatologists all agree that sunscreen is one of the most effective anti-wrinkle creams available. And mineral sunscreens are the healthiest for your skin as well as the environment.

    woman swimming and relaxing in an innertube

    2. Go For A Swim

    Get a healthy dose of vitamin sea this summer and go for a swim in salt therapy. And if you don’t live near an ocean, going for a swim in a pool or lake can feel just as refreshing. Bring a float or noodle to make your swim even more relaxing. Swimming is a proven stress reliever, mood booster, and sleep enhancer. 

    So cool down, unwind, have fun, and go swimming!

    woman hiking in the mountains and reaching for the sky with happiness

    3. Enjoy Nature Therapy

    Getting outdoors and going for a walk, hike, kayak, bike ride or anything else you enjoy outside can be very therapeutic. Appreciating the fresh air, clear skies, and the sweet smells of summer is an incredibly effective mood booster. And exercising outdoors can elevate your levels of endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin even more! Just going for a simple walk in nature is a form of active meditation that will help de-stress and clear your mind. So try nature bathing this summer to help you detox, detach, and recharge your senses!

    4. Protect & Self-Care Your Hair

     Healthy hair is hydrated but chlorine and salt water can dry out and damage your locks. Protect your hair from the harsh effects by applying a protective layer prior to swimming. Coconut oil is my go-to fav and one of the best options for preventing damage to your tresses. I saturate my hair with coconut oil and put it in a bun before I go swimming or Scuba diving and it works like a charm.

     Alternatively, a leave-in conditioner also works well as a barrier of protection to help keep your hair silky and detangled. Try to rinse your hair with fresh water asap post-swim. Your hair is more delicate and prone to breakage when it’s wet. The longer you let the salt or chlorine stay in your hair, the more damaging the effects will be.

    5. Declutter Your Space - And Mind

    Ever notice how when you clean out and organize your closet, you feel so much lighter and happier afterwards? That’s because studies have found that decluttering increases feelings of self-worth, confidence, and even boosts productivity. A clean and organized home can also improve sleep, boost mood, and promote relaxation.

    And summer is the perfect time to let go of the old and re-organize! Pick areas that need some deep cleaning – this could be your makeup collection, your kitchen, or even that miscellaneous drawer we all have that’s overflowing with stuff we don’t really need. Spend an afternoon clearing, organizing and refreshing your space. When you declutter your space, it helps declutter your mind as well.

    Woman enjoying music outdoors for self-care

    6. Create A Summertime Playlist

    Put together a mix of your favorite summertime songs for your auditory pleasure. Having a playlist dedicated to the season will help you have a more fun and memorable summer! I love the Reggae genre since it always seems to usher in the happy summertime vibes! A few of my favorite Reggae artists I recommend are; Bob MarleySlightly StoopidStick Figure, and The Movement.

    Be Present Box.

    7. Take A Tech Break

     Detox from tech and try not to be glued to your phone or computer all summer. There are so many fun summer activities you will miss out on if you are mindlessly scrolling through Tick-Tocks and IG. Take a social media hiatus and get outside to soak up some Vitamin D and find fun new things to do. Read a book outside, watch a sunset or go forest bathing to detach, de-tech, and reconnect with yourself.

    woman sitting outside meditating

    8. Meditate Outside

    Relax, refresh and recharge by taking your meditation practice outside. Meditating outdoors is great way to get in touch with nature and your inner-self. Feel the breeze and appreciate the sweet summertime fresh air. And if sitting still isn’t your thing, going for a walk outside is a form of active meditation that also helps quiet your mind and relieve tension. Listening to the sound of waves while relaxing or meditating has been shown to help calm and soothe your senses.

    9. Light Summery Candles

    Create the full sensory experience by adding some warmth and heavenly summertime aromas to your space. Light some beachy candles that remind you of tranquil waters and coconut-laced beach days for ultimate aromatherapy.

    Woman relaxing in bath tub enjoying self-care.

    10. Enjoy A Self-Care Spa Day

    Relax and recalibrate with a self-love spa day – or spa night! Put on a face mask, do a mani-pedi, and/or soak in a therapeutic bubble bath. Pamper yourself with anything that helps you to clear your mind and unwind. I love to recreate the spa experience at home by lighting candles and playing relaxing spa music. Some of my favorite spa playlists are by, Dean Evenson and Dan Gibson.

    And to learn more about why self-care is essential to your year-round sanity, check out my 50 Favorite Self-care Ideas post here.

  • Resistance Training 101: Why You Need It Now

    Racks of various sized free-weights with an inspirational quote on the wall that says, "Act Like a Lady, Lift Like a Boss."
    A woman doing a dumbbell bicep curl exercise. The words, 'Top benefits of resistance training for women.'

    Resistance Training 101

    Resistance training is defined as the method of exercise intended to increase muscular strength by working against any form of weight or resistance. There are many ways you can strengthen your muscles, whether at home or in the gym. Free weights, weight machines, bands, loops, or even your own body weight can all be used as forms of resistance.

    The resistance challenges the muscles, breaking down the muscle fibers and forcing them to rebuild stronger. It not only improves muscle tone and structure, but it also helps build bone density and increases your metabolism too!

    And aside from the aesthetics, resistance training has countless health benefits that can help you sleep better, feel happier, and have a more balanced body and mind. 

    And what’s better than that?


    Resistance Training Vs. Cardio

     No disrespect to cardio, but if you want to burn fat and shape your body — both in and out of the gym — resistance training is what you need.

    I’m often asked what’s a better workout, cardio or resistance training? The short answer is, they’re both great and can compliment each other well in the right proportions.

     However, if given the choice between the two, resistance training yields the greatest results. Unlike cardio, it increases your lean muscle which elevates your metabolism for long after your workout. Whereas with cardio, you’re only burning calories during the workout.

     Unbeknownst to many, cardio results in the loss of not just fat and water weight – but muscle too. And since muscle largely contributes to the body’s shape and form, losing this precious tissue can actually make your body appear flabby or deflated after weight-loss (aka skinny-fat.) And you can only build and shape lean muscle with some form of resistance training.

    The Best Of Both Worlds...

      If you’re wanting more cardio in your workout routine, you can be strategic about your resistance training with my personal favorite method, circuit training.

     Circuit training is performing a series of exercises with minimal rest in between sets to help keep your heart rate up. So performing resistance exercises ‘circuit style’ will give you the added benefit of cardio conditioning work, all-in-one.

     For truly effective body sculpting and weight-loss, there’s just no way around resistance training. It’s the only non-surgical, non-invasive method by which you can shape your body to look the way you want it to look – period.

    Racks of various sized free-weights with an inspirational quote on the wall that says, "Act Like a Lady, Lift Like a Boss."

    Top 7 Reasons Why You Need Resistance Training In Your Life

    1) Increased Metabolism

    Resistance training increases lean muscle which in turn, elevates your metabolism – even at rest.  And the more lean muscle you have, the faster your metabolism will be. That’s because having an elevated metabolism helps your body burn calories and body fat more efficiently. One moderate intensity training session can elevate your metabolism for up to 12 hours!


     In other words, you’ll burn more calories, and ultimately lose more weight over time than you would with just doing cardio.


    Therefore, resistance training is essential for creating and maintaining the muscle needed to fuel the fat-burning process. Since muscle is active tissue (unlike fat) it requires energy to maintain.

    Resistance training can provide up to a 15% increase in metabolic rate for weight loss and long-term weight control. For every additional pound of muscle you gain, your body will burn about 50 more calories each day! 

    2) Improves Bone Density

    Resistance training has been shown to strengthen bone density, which can reduce the risk of breaks, fractures and osteoporosis as you age. Since women are typically prone to osteoporosis, it is especially beneficial in prevention.

       A study conducted by Miriam E. Nelson, Ph.D. of Tufts University proved that resistance training increases both muscle mass and bone density. Dr. Nelson’s research showed a 3% increase in spine and bone mineral density after an 18-month resistance training program among women ages 25 to 49.

    Woman doing bicep curls with free-weights as a form of resistance training.

    3) Stress Reliever & Mood Enhancer

     Resistance training is vital to your brain health, function and general sense of well-being. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins that helps improve your mood, prevents pain, and fights depression. Increased endorphins will naturally reduce anxiety and stress, as well as improve alertness and energy levels too. It also increases the production of the brain-derived neurotransmitter related to improving cognitive function.

     Resistance training also increases levels of serotonin – your brain’s own natural anti-depressants. A Harvard study showed that 10 weeks of resistance training reduces clinical depression symptoms more successfully than standard counseling alone. And after three months, 18 of the 20 participants felt significantly better and no longer met the criteria for depression.

    4) Anti-Aging Effects

    Resistance training has been shown to help keep you looking and feeling younger – longer!  As we age, muscle mass naturally decreases if you’re not working out to preserve it – which can cause skin to sag in not-so-pretty ways.

    With resistance training, you can counteract age-related muscle-tone loss while maintaining a more youthful physique. This is a result of resistance trainings ability to increase your levels of, HGH (Human Growth Hormone). Endocrinologists have recognized HGH as your body’s own fountain of youth! 

     HGH is produced in the pituitary gland and plays a vital role in bone and muscle development – particularly in women. HGH levels start to decline in your 30’s which can lead to premature aging and atrophy of muscle tissue. According to the American Physiological Society, women who undertake a long-term resistance training program produce more biologically active HGH.  

    5) Improves Your Sleep

    A Johns Hopkins research study proved that regular resistance training can help alleviate insomnia and increase your sleep quality too. Participants who exercised 3x per week for 12 weeks found they no longer had trouble falling sleep, they slept longer, more deeply, and awakened less often. 

    A Boston University School of Medicine study showed that just 20 to 30 minutes of daily exercise can help improve the quality of your sleep. I’ve seen many of my clients improve their sleep quality as a result of our regular workouts. And with the amount of exercise I get with my daily clients, I can attest that I have no troubles falling asleep at night…😉 


    A woman sitting up in bed stretching overhead and smiling and looking refreshed after a good night's sleep. Make sleep a priority, quote.

    6) Reduces Your Risk Of Heart Disease & Diabetes

     Resistance training alone has been found to lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer – whether or not you do cardio. A study published in the March issue of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that individuals who did any amount of resistance training on a weekly basis had a 40 to 70 percent reduced risk of developing a heart attack, stroke, or death related to heart disease compared with individuals who did not.

     Adult-onset (Type 2) diabetes is a growing problem, with over 14 million Americans suffering from the condition. Research shows that resistance training can increase glucose utilization in the body by 23 percent in just four months. As muscles contract and relax during exercise, they use sugar for energy. To meet this energy need, your body uses sugar supplies in your blood, reducing your blood sugar levels.

    7) Boosts Your Energy Level

     Feeling winded by everyday activities? Building lean muscle enables you to have more energy for your everyday life. Carrying groceries and lifting kids becomes a lot easier.

    Endorphins get released when we are doing something that requires high energy —  it is what makes us move. Since exercise increases your endorphin release, this contributes to the feeling of euphoria commonly known as “runner’s high.” Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when your lung and heart health improve, you feel more energy and vitality!

    A group of women working out with free-weights in an exercise class.

  • The Power of The Mind-Body Connection

    A mind-body connection infographic with mindfulness words flowing in a circular clockwise pattern.
    A mind-body connection infographic with mindfulness words flowing in a circular clockwise pattern.

    How Your Mind-Body Connection Affects Your Fitness Results

    Who likes wasted effort? 

    I know my clients and I certainly don’t!

    So when you’re trying to get the most out of your workouts, it’s essential to remember…

    Keep your focus on your form and your mind in the movement.

    If your mind is wandering, you’re missing out on the most important part of the exercise – the muscle contraction. The more you contract and feel the muscles you’re working, the more effective the exercise will be. 

    We all want the best results possible in the shortest amount of time so that’s why you need to focus and make every rep count.

    Staying Mindful In The Movement

     If you’re suffering through a workout on pure grit, you’ll likely be ignoring pain or objections from the body. There’s a difference between feeling the burn of an exercise vs. the sharp pain of your body letting you know something’s wrong. And this disconnection from your body sets the stage for potential injuries.

    Exercise should not be an out-of-body experience.

    Focus by putting your full attention on the muscles you are strengthening as you contract and relax with each repetition.

     Staying mindful in the movement not only exercises your muscles more efficiently, but it’s also a great mindfulness exercise for your brain to help strengthen your mental focus too. The repetitive nature of exercising provides a perfect training ground for practicing mindfulness.

     So try to remember to let go of distractions and unrelated thoughts and focus your attention on the muscles contracting and your form throughout the exercise. When you give your full awareness to your workout, you’re able to do it more effectively (and safely).

    Stress Less

    We all know that too much stress can infect every area of our lives and there are times when our workouts can be compromised because of it. Like when you’re exercising only to be rushing through your reps, clock-watching and/or thinking about all the other things you could or should be doing.

    There’s a flow that happens when you pay attention to what you’re doing in the current moment. It makes whatever you’re focused on, that much more effective. You’re missing out on that flow when you’re being distracted by your thoughts. 

    Remember Why You’re Exercising

    If you find yourself rushing through a workout or thinking about other things, remember WHY it’s so important to you. Reflect on WHY you have made exercise a priority and how this workout will help you right now.

    Motivation is fueled by the emotional juice that comes from your WHY.

    Remember that you’re setting this time aside specifically for your workout so give yourself the luxury of getting the most out of it! Take your time with each rep, especially during strength training exercises. Perform slow and controlled movements while focusing on your form. Think about your posture, holding your core engaged, and the muscles you are targeting.

    The more consistent you are, the easier and more natural it will become.

    And the real benefits of regular exercise goes way beyond aesthetics. The following are my top 10 (non-aesthetic) workout WHYS that can be helpful reminders for you too!

    My Top 10 Reasons Why I Exercise...

    ✔️ This workout will help me have more energy for my day.

    ✔️ I’ll feel a satisfying sense of accomplishment when I finish my workout.

    ✔️ I’ll sleep better tonight after this workout.

    ✔️ I deserve to take care of myself with self-care, and exercise is a part of that.

    ✔️ Working out helps me feel stronger and more confident.

    ✔️ Exercise helps me feel happier by increasing serotonin and dopamine levels. 

    ✔️ I’ll feel alleviated from stress when I exercise due to elevated levels of endorphins.

    ✔️ I really love delicious food and exercise helps to offset indulgences. 

    ✔️ Exercise balances my mind and my emotions.

    ✔️ Exercise helps keep my immune system stay strong.

    An infographic of awareness and positivity words with a beautiful sunset in the background.

  • 50 Best Self-Care Ideas For Physical And Mental Wellness

    A woman sitting on the beach at the water's edge with both arms reaching up to the sky and facing a beautiful sunset. A self-care quote reads, 'Fall in Love With Taking Care Of Yourself. Mind. Body. Spirit.
    A woman sitting on the beach at the water's edge with both arms reaching up to the sky and facing a beautiful sunset. A self-care quote reads, 'Fall in Love With Taking Care Of Yourself. Mind. Body. Spirit.

    What Is Self-Care?

     Self-care and self-love simply means honoring your body, mind and spirit. It’s about making it a priority to take care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. And it’s not feeling guilty or selfish for taking time to recharge and take care of your personal needs.

      You are the creator and caretaker of your body and life. Self-care helps us maintain a healthy relationship with ourselves and others by boosting self-confidence and positive feelings. And who doesn’t need more positive vibes in their life?

      When you start taking positive steps to create self-care rituals, everything in your life will benefit. You have to love yourself first if you want to live a truly fulfilling life. Loving yourself means caring for yourself by making sleep, exercise, nutrition and well-being a priority. You can’t pour from an empty cup which is why you must take care of yourself first.

     The most important project you will ever work on is YOU.

    Self-Care Is The Secret To Your Goal Success!

    One of the most overlooked pillars of goal achievement is the need for self-care. Goal setting and success requires commitment and energy. Taking care of yourself enables you to be consistently refilling your well with energy, enthusiasm and motivation. And this positive practice creates momentum for optimal performance.

     If you want to create the body and life you desire, you have to take responsibility. You must do what’s necessary to get you from where you are, to where you want to be.

     No one else can do this for you.

      Self-care ensures you are taking care of your physical and mental wellbeing in order to successfully stay on track to achieve your goals. So don’t just make it your goal to be fit, make it your goal to be consistent and being fit will follow.

     It feels amazing to start saying yes to yourself and setting up self-care rituals. By keeping up this practice you’ll notice a multitude of benefits that will enhance all areas of your life!

    The Benefits Of Self-Care

    ✔︎ More productivity
    ✔︎ More happiness
    ✔︎ More energy
    ✔︎ More respect from others
    ✔︎ Better relationships
    ✔︎ Less fear
    ✔︎ Less stress and anxiety
    ✔︎ Less resentment
    ✔︎ Less depressed feelings

    Self-Care Vs. Selfish: Shift Your Perspective

    People often misunderstand what it means to put yourself first. It doesn’t mean doing whatever you want to do all the time or ignoring the needs of others. It does mean however, at the very least, putting yourself on a level playing field as everyone else in your life. It’s about establishing healthy boundaries and understanding the balance between taking care of yourself and others. And that can sometimes involve doing things that are difficult, but will benefit your health and well-being long term.

    There’s a stigma attached to putting yourself first as being selfish or self-absorbed. But the fact you have concerns about being selfish means that you’re not. Selfish people don’t even realize or take the time to question if they’re being selfish. 

     Shift your perspective to see self-care as selfless vs. selfish. Being skilled at taking care of yourself will improve your capacity to care of others as well. If you’re not fulfilled, you’re only able to see other people through the filter of your own needs. By keeping your cup full you’ll have an overflow to give willingly without expectations. This is why studies show that not taking care of ourselves can be unhealthy for those who depend on us as well.

    Establishing Healthy Boundaries

     So why is it so hard for us to do things for ourselves before we do for others?

     Many of us have the preconditioned belief that a “good woman” sacrifices herself for her family, relationships and work. Women often feel responsible for everything and somehow the world won’t work if we don’t help it along. For example, taking on responsibilities that could be better handled by others is one of the ways we begin to lose our balance.

    Women are likely to be the primary caretakers for children, spouses, aging parents, grandparents, etc. Consequently, this leads to falling into the pattern of serving the people we love before we serve ourselves. And the bitter irony is, if you’re always putting other people’s needs first, there’s a tendency for others to take you for granted. So make a conscious effort to at least have equal concerns for yourself as you do for your loved ones. 

     This means scheduling ‘me time’ for yourself and doing things that energize your body and mind. Like a car, how can you expect to keep going if you’re running on an empty tank?

     Make the time to do something healthy for yourself every day.

    It can be anything from getting more sleep each night to making your workout time nonnegotiable. 

     Exercise gives you more energy, helps to stabilize your mood, enables you to sleep better and will ultimately prolong your life.

    This is why you shouldn’t feel any shame in putting a high priority on taking the time to exercise.

      It’s about having the energy to be engaged and present with the people in your life. It’s about listening to your body and giving it what it needs to feel its best.

    Empower yourself with simple daily rituals to be the best version of you. Customize a self-care action plan that can be coordinated into your busy babe lifestyle. Think of at least 3 self-care activities that make you happy and start adding them into your regular routine.

    My Top 50 Favorite Self-care Ideas

    1) Read a book or listen to an audiobook

    2) Snuggle and spend QT with your pets

    3) Meditate

    4) Take a relaxing salt bath or hot shower

    5) Journal

    6) Do a home workout or Yoga video

    7) Go to your favorite workout or Yoga class

    8) Give yourself, or get a mani/pedi

    9) Give yourself, or get a facial

    10) Practice a daily skincare ritual

    11) Get a massage

    12) Go for a walk or hike in nature

    13) Turn your phone on silent for a little while

    14) Have a Spa night at home and pamper yourself 

    15) Light candles & play spa music (Dean Evenson is my fav) 

    16) Centering, deep breathing or breathwork

    17) Trade a foot rub or shoulder massage with your partner or kiddo

    18) Make a gratitude list

    19) Do some light stretching

    20) Eat your favorite comfort food slowly and enjoy every bite

    21) Curl up with a blanket and watch your favorite guilty pleasure

    22) Buy yourself flowers or a new plant

    23) Watch something inspirational or educational on YouTube

    24) Do a closet purge and donate what doesn’t fit or bring joy anymore

    25) Cook dinner to music you love

    26) Take a 10-minute work break to go outside for fresh air & Vitamin D

    27) Enjoy some coffee or tea in silence

    28) Eat healthy whole foods

    29) Do something creative you love to do

    30) Make yourself a healthy smoothie or green juice

    31) Try cooking a delicious new recipe

    32) Read a magazine

    33) Repeat mantras or affirmations

    34) Splurge on a skincare product

    35) Organize and declutter a space in your home

    36) Write a goals list

    37) Create a vision board or something artistic

    38) Listen to a motivational podcast

    39) Sweat it out in a sauna or steam room

    40) Go for a swim 

    41) Find a local class or online course for something you’ve been wanting to try (cooking, art, meditation, Scuba, etc.)

    42) Go to bed 30 minutes earlier

    43) Stay IN on a Friday or Saturday night for self-love

    44) Make a playlist of favorite songs that motivate and uplift you

    45) Make a Pinterest board of something you love

    46) Watch standup comedy or a funny movie

    47) Dance around to your favorite music

    48) Watch the sunset or sunrise

    49) Take a nap

    50) Innercises: Mental exercises to strengthen your mind for enhanced inspiration towards accomplishing your goals. To learn more about the power of the mind-body connection, check out my other post to help you reach your fitness goals faster!

    "Darling, don't forget to fall in love with yourself first." Carrie Bradshaw quote.