What's The Buzz About Cold Brew?

If you haven’t tried cold brew coffee yet, it’s simply made by steeping coffee grounds in cold or room temperature water for at least 8 hours and then filtering out the grounds. And unlike regular iced coffee, cold brew is never exposed to heat which helps preserve coffee’s natural antioxidant levels. This is because cold brew uses time instead of heat to extract the coffee.

And one of the easiest ways to make DIY cold brew at home is to brew it with a simple French Press. All you have to do is prepare it the night before and it’s ready to go in the morning. Just press down, pour over ice, and viola! The result is a very smooth, rich, and flavorful coffee infusion with lower levels of acidity than hot brewed coffee.

So now you can enjoy delicious coffeehouse cold brew anytime – and for a fraction of the price too! And the best part is, you can use whatever coffee you prefer. My current favorites are: Mountain Thunder Kona Coffee or Wild Jo Organic French Roast (Decaffeinated coffee works great too!)

Surprising Health Benefits of Cold Brew

 Contrary to popular belief, there are numerous health benefits from drinking coffee in general. Research suggests it can help boost athletic performance, improve liver health, and even reduce your risk of diabetes, Parkinson’s, and other diseases.

And cold brew is especially beneficial for those with sensitive stomachs. This is because the chemical profile of coffee is significantly impacted by the brewing temperature. For example, cold brew is less acidic due to the cooler water temperature, which limits the extraction of acidic substances. In fact, claims suggest cold brew may have 65% less acid compared to hot brewing methods.

Did you know adding cinnamon to your coffee decreases the acidity even more? 

 Another added bonus to cold brew is it contains higher levels of another powerful antioxidant, Chlorogenic Acid. This super antioxidant is found in coffee beans and is extremely sensitive to heat. High-temperatures during the hot brewing process starts to destroy the Chlorogenic Acid. The higher the temperature and the longer the exposure, the more the antioxidants are diminished. Coffee brewed in cooler temperatures preserves a higher ratio of this antioxidant powerhouse.

Only 3 Things Needed To Make This Refreshing Elixir

✔︎ Ground coffee

  ✔︎ A French Press 

✔︎ Filtered water

And To Replicate a Skinny Vanilla Coffeehouse Cold Brew…

-Unsweetened Vanilla Almond or Oat Milk
-Vanilla Almond or Oat Milk Creamer
-Liquid Organic Stevia Drops 

Blog#4 Cold Brew

Easy DIY Coffeehouse Cold Brew Instructions

▪︎ Grind your favorite coffee beans into a medium/coarse grind or use pre-ground coffee. Add 1 tablespoon of coffee per 1 cup of water. For a cinnamon twist, mix 1 tsp. into the coffee grounds before adding the water. This allows the cinnamon to better disperse and infuse your coffee with flavor.

▪︎ Add filtered water and stir well to combine.

▪︎ Place the lid on the French press but don’t push down the plunger yet. Store in the refrigerator or kitchen counter overnight for at least 8-10 hours. (Up to 36 hrs. max or the coffee will taste bitter.

▪︎ When ready, press the plunger down, pour the coffee over ice and enjoy delicious coffeehouse cold brew at home! Pour any leftover in a covered glass bottle or carafe to enjoy another day. Strained cold brew can be stored in the fridge for up to a week.

Get Creative & Enjoy!
