
Belly Bloat Debunked

Have you been hitting your workouts harder and eating cleaner but still lacking a flatter stomach?

The culprit is likely to be belly bloat, and reducing it is one of the easiest ways to looking and feeling slimmer – fast. In this post we’ll explore what triggers bloating and uncover the pro tips that are crucial to combat it! 

And the first step is to identify which type of bloating you’re experiencing;

Gas bloat or water retention.

Gassy bloat makes your stomach feel uncomfortably full and can sometimes be painful. It’s often noticed after indulging in certain foods like beans, broccoli, and dairy. However, what causes gas in one person might not in another.

Water bloat leaves you feeling puffy all over. Common triggers include drinking alcohol or consuming salty, processed, and fried food. Hormonal fluctuations from your period can make you especially sensitive to this type of bloating. 

Once you know which type of bloating you’re feeling, it’s easier to figure out how to prevent it. So don’t let belly bloat steal your summer fun this swimsuit season! The following 10 pro tips are guaranteed to help you achieve flatter abs and a stronger core quickly and effectively. 


Pro Tips For Flatter Abs Now

1) Choose Produce Wisely

 I’m sure you’ve noticed certain fruits and vegetables can cause your belly to balloon. Produce such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage, onions, beans, lentils, apples, cherries and grapes are all known culprits. Since everyone’s body reacts differently, you can try these foods individually and monitor your response. A helpful Pro trick is to just avoid eating them for at least 12 hours prior to slipping into a swimsuit or fitted outfit. 

Conversely, there are potassium-rich fruits and veggies that can actually reduce bloating. Pineapple, peaches, asparagus, bananas, sweet potatoes, cucumber, leeks, ginger, honeydew melon, and watermelon are all natural diuretics that help flush out excess sodium and water retention. Pineapple and papayas are especially beneficial because they contain enzymes that aid in digestion.

Gain access to the full cheat sheets of foods to eat in my, Ultimate Guide To Flatter Abs, freebie at the bottom of this post.⤵️ 

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2) Always Keep Your Core Engaged

 Engaging your core not only holds your stomach flatter but it helps support your lower back as well. Think of it as contracting your abs and pulling your belly button in towards your spine. Especially focus on keeping your abs engaged during every rep of an exercise to help strengthen and support your core. 

 This mindful exercise will help power your movements and ultimately target the deeper transverse abdominis (TVA). The TVA is the muscle that runs along your abdominal wall and performs like a corset to help pull in your midsection. By keeping it strong and engaged will help train your abs to lay flatter over time.

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3) Spit Out The Gum

Not only does chewing gum cause you to swallow tummy-bloating air, many contain ingredients that can irritate your gut. Sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners like sucralose, sorbitol, and xylitol are common culprits, with studies suggesting they can contribute to intestinal discomfort.

 If you can’t skip the gum altogether, opt for organic versions like Simply Gum instead. They’re made with all natural sweeteners that are kinder to your digestive system.

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4) Go Nuts

 Nuts such as walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, and pistachios all contain higher levels of the amino acid Arginine – and research has found Arginine to be a powerful fat burner! A study by the Journal of Dietary Supplements found that consuming nine grams of Arginine a day can help reduce belly fat in overweight individuals.

 Most nuts are also packed with magnesium, a nutrient linked to weight loss and hundreds of vital bodily functions. Magnesium keeps your heart rhythm steady, regulates blood sugar and aids in weight management by lowering fasting glucose and insulin levels (markers related to weight gain.)  Magnesium can also have beneficial effects on reducing fluid retention during your period as well as having a calming effect to ease PMS symptoms. 

Not a nut fan? Consider taking a daily magnesium supplement to help reap all of these amazing benefits!

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5) Cut Out Processed Junk Food

I know it goes without saying, but, processed foods contain preservatives, artificial flavors, hydrogenated oils, corn syrups, and a ton of sodium. And all of these ingredients are known to lead to intestinal bloating and distress.

Refined carbohydrates, such as white flour and processed sugars also cause spikes in your blood sugar levels. This increases the level of insulin in the blood, which causes the kidney’s to retain more sodium. Increased sodium levels equals more water retention.


6) Try Probiotics

Probiotics are helpful bacteria that live in your intestines and keep your gut healthy. Studies suggest they can keep gas-producing colon bacteria in check thereby reducing bloating and discomfort. Fortunately, incorporating probiotics into your life is easier than ever. They’re available in capsules, fermented beverages like Kombucha and Kefir, and even yogurt. However, for the most potent probiotic power, choose yogurts with “live and active cultures.”

Refrigeration is required to keep probiotics alive so the most effective forms of probiotics will be found in the refrigerated section at your local health food store.  


7) Reduce Salt Intake & Use Himalayan Pink Sea Salt

If you’ve ever felt bloated after a salty meal, it’s not your imagination. Excess salt causes water to move from your bloodstream into your skin, which is why a salty snack can give you a puffy look.

 The American Heart Association recommends people limit their salt intake to 1,500 milligrams per day. Even if you’re not pouring on the salt, you’re likely getting more sodium than you think. Other sneaky sources such as processed foods, salad dressings, deli meats, and dairy products like cottage cheese and ice cream are usually loaded with sodium.

Avoid adding regular table salt to your food and instead, try switching to Himalayan Pink Sea Salt or Celtic Sea Salt. Both contain essential minerals and are minimally processed compared to iodized table salt. You can also boost flavor with spices and herbs, many of which have added health benefits. Try cooking with a variety of flavorful seasonings like chili powder, cayenne powder, cumin, cinnamon, ginger, basil, parsley, and rosemary.

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8) Skip The Soda (Even Diet)

Steer clear of sodas, seltzers, and fizzy waters which can add extra gas and bloating to your digestive tract. Not to mention, sugary sodas are packed with empty calories that are a diet disaster. Even the no-calorie versions can expand your waistline because of the artificial sweeteners they contain. A review in QJM: An International Journal of Medicine found that both regular and diet sodas are associated with increased risk for obesity. 

💡Not-so-fun fact: Did you know artificial sweeteners are added to pigs feed to get them to eat more so they’ll fatten up?! 🐖

 This is because the artificial sweeteners don’t produce the responses your body expects when you eat something sweet. So, the sweet taste sends a message to your body to expect an influx of energy, which won’t arrive since there are no calories in diet drinks. This interferes with your body’s hunger signals and causes you to crave and eat additional calories to make up for the lack.🤯

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9) Limit Beer & Alcohol

Studies show certain types of alcohol, and especially beer, is associated with increased belly fat. One of the main reasons is because alcohol increases your appetite and lowers inhibitions causing you to make otherwise bad food choices (i.e. Taco Bell at 2am.) Alcohol turns to sugar in your body causing insulin spikes and sugar crashes so excessive drinking can really mess up your fitness goals. Try to stay mindful of the amount you’re drinking. 

 A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that normal-weight women who consumed a light amount of alcohol in moderation had no greater risk of becoming overweight than the non-drinkers during a 13 year study. So the good news is there’s no need to cut out the booze completely. In fact, it’s ok to enjoy a glass of wine or clear liquor every so often but avoid the sugary sodas and mixers.

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10) Straighten Up & Stand Tall

Having good posture can make you look slimmer in seconds. Plus, it also helps to strengthen and support your core while giving you that longer, leaner look.

Whether you’re sitting, standing or walking, be sure you’re staying as upright as possible. Pull in your abs and keep your shoulders down and back. Practice your posture whenever you can. The more consistent you are, the better your posture will become naturally. 

📝 When To Consult a Physician...

Remember, everyone’s body is an individual chemistry set and reacts differently to different things. So if you follow these tips and you’re still experiencing ongoing bloating that continues for weeks, it may indicate a health issue that needs medical attention. Speak with your doctor if you have long-term bloating with the following symptoms;



✔️Extreme weight loss or weight gain

✔️Appetite changes or trouble eating


✔️Severe or sharp abdominal pain
