
  • Top 10 Ways To Strengthen Your Immunity This Winter

    A variety of fresh fruit, berries, and healthy foods displayed on a cutting board.
    A variety of fresh fruit, berries, and healthy foods displayed on a cutting board.

    The Power Of Your Immune System

    There’s nothing like a pandemic virus to emphasize the importance of maintaining a strong and healthy immune system.

    Your immune system is your body’s natural defense mechanism to help guard against germs, viruses, and infections. Immune systems are multi-faceted, and to function at its optimum, it requires balance and harmony.

     These specialized parts of the immune system provides the body with protection against pathogens and diseases. This protection is referred to as immunity, and we have three types — innateadaptive, and passive.

    ✔︎ Innate Immunity: (Natural) Your body’s natural defense mechanisms that are present from birth. This type of immunity provides immediate protection against a wide range of pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses. Innate immunity is your body’s first line of defense and includes physical barriers like the skin.

    ✔︎ Adaptive Immunity: (Active) Your active immunity develops throughout your life through exposure to pathogens or vaccines, leading to the production of antibodies. This acquired protection helps your immune system recognize and effectively combat specific threats over time.

    ✔︎ Passive Immunity: (Supplemental) Passive immunity is “borrowed” from another source and it lasts for a short time. For example, antibodies in a mother’s breast milk gives a baby temporary immunity to diseases the mother has been exposed to. Immune system boosters, such as vitamins C, D, and zinc, fall under this category.

    Your Best Defense Is A Strong Offense

    Scientists still have a lot to learn about how our immune systems work. Now more than ever, it’s important to take the necessary preventative measures to help boost your body’s natural defenses. And your first line of defense is to choose to live a healthier lifestyle.

    Below I’ll be covering the top ten ways you can strengthen your passive immunity against viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens.

    Top 10 Ways To Strengthen Your Immune System

    Girl smiling and stretching in bed in the morning after a good night's sleep.

    1. Make Sleep a Priority

     Being well rested improves the function of white blood cells, so you’re less likely to get illnesses like respiratory infections, colds, and the flu. Sleep is your body’s time to heal and regenerate for optimal health. Most people need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep to feel adequately rested. 

    Practice daily sleeping rituals to optimize your sleep. Waking up and going to bed around the same times and trying to avoid caffeine after 4pm are all effective sleep enhancers.

    Pro Tip: Establish a wind down evening bedtime routine. Enjoy a warm bath or shower while listening to relaxing music. The soothing sounds can help your mind get ready to drift off to sleep more easily. My personal favorite is, Dean Evenson: European Spa. 

    2. Stress Less

     Chronic stress weakens your immunity by increasing your suppressor T-cells, which in turn, suppresses your immune system. When this branch of the immune system is impaired, you are more susceptible to the flu, colds, viruses, and Covid.

    Being stressed out also increases your level of the stress hormone called, cortisol. And multiple studies have proven there’s a link between elevated levels of cortisol and an increase in belly fat!

     Pro Tip: Stress-less with destressing strategies like deep breathing, meditation, exercise, yoga, and other relaxation techniques.

    Bottled water and a glass of water with lemon

    3. Stay Hydrated

    Staying hydrated can boost your immune health by thinning mucus secretions and flushing viruses and bacteria out of your body. Water also helps your body produce lymph, which carries white blood cells and other immune system cells throughout your body.

     Try to limit beverages that can make you dehydrated, like coffee and soda. Eat more hydrating foods, such as cucumbers, carrots, citrus fruits, and watermelon.

    Pro Tip: To help flush mucus and get over a cold more quickly, sip warm liquids like ginger tea, warm water with lemon or bone broth.

    Women working out together in a class

    4. Move Your Body

    It goes without saying, regular exercise is one of the pillars of a healthy lifestyle and contributes to a healthier immune system. It improves cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure, helps control body weight, and protects against osteoporosis and a variety of diseases.

     Walking is one of the simplest ways to exercise. If you’re not excited about walking or jogging, try yoga, swimming, or cycling. Even gardening can be a good way to get some light outdoor activity as well as being a stress reducer.

     Pro Tip: Try to be moderately physically active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. 

    5. Stay Positive

    Several Harvard studies have shown that if you expect good things and try to stay positive, your immune system will follow. So make optimism work for you and imagine the best outcome in all situations. There’s usually an underlying blessing that you’re able to see more clearly in retrospect. You’re not able to control the events happening around you, but you can control how you react to them. Respond with a positive attitude to help keep your immune system strong.

    Pro TipPractice a daily gratitude journal and write down at least 3 things you’re grateful for every day. 

    6. Immune Boosting Supplements

    Vitamins A, C, D, zinc, selenium, and magnesium are all essential for healthy immune system function. The amino acids L-lysine and L-glutamine have also been shown to enhance immune support.

    Vitamin E is also important for regulating and maintaining your immune system. Nuts, such as almonds, walnuts, and pistachios are all packed with vitamin E. A half-cup serving of shelled almonds provides nearly 100 percent of the recommended daily value.

    Pro Tip: Taking zinc and vitamin C lozenges or tablets within 24 hours of exhibiting cold symptoms can help reduce the duration of a cold

    7. Fruit & Veggie Immune Boosters

    Your body isn’t able to produce antioxidants on it’s own so you need to supplement it daily for optimal health. Eating a variety of fruit and vegetables provides the best mix of protective antioxidants to boost overall health and immunity. Anti-oxidants, like vitamin C, fight the free radicals that can damage healthy cells and DNA. Citrus fruit is especially high in vitamin C. 

     The following 25 foods are anti-oxidant powerhouses that have been shown to improve your immune system to help it function at it’s best! 

    25 Of The Most Powerful Immune Boosting Foods

    • ✨Elderberry
    • ✨Acai berry
    • ✨Goji berries
    • ✨Blueberries
    • ✨Raspberries
    • ✨Strawberries
    • ✨Grapefruit
    • ✨Pomegranate
    • ✨Oranges
    • ✨Tangerines
    • ✨Lemons
    • ✨Limes
    • ✨Cherries
    • ✨Papaya
    • ✨Kiwi
    • ✨Spinach
    • ✨Kale
    • ✨Bell Peppers
    • ✨Sweet Potatoes
    • ✨Broccoli
    • ✨Avocado
    • ✨Carrots
    • ✨Mushrooms
    • ✨Ginger
    • ✨Garlic

    8. Probiotic Immune Boosters

    Probiotics are beneficial strains of bacteria that are also considered to be immune boosters. Probiotics can also help improve digestive and gut health which is linked to a healtheir immune system. Probiotics can either be from a supplement or consumed in natural foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickles.

    Pro Tip: Look for probiotic supplements with, lactobacillus, bifidobacterium, L. acidophilus, and, L. rhamnosus. They are all known for their immune-boosting benefits.

    9. Liquid Silver Hydrosol

    Silver Hydrosol has been used for more than 2,000 years to help safeguard human health. Known to be an effective antimicrobial, silver was first used to purify water, heal wounds, and treat infections. It is a natural element that can be found in whole grains, mushrooms, mammalian milk, spring water, sea water, and tap water. 

     Although sometimes controversial, liquid silver hydrosol is gaining more widespread recognition for its powerful immune support. After much research, I’ve found this brand, Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol™  to be one of the safest and most effective forms of liquid silver for providing immune support.

     I’m not affiliated or endorsed by this company. I’ve just been a believer in the power of this product for the past ten years and I can honestly say it has worked for me and everyone I know who has tried it.

    Pro Tip:  When I feel like I’m in need of extra immune support (like from traveling or being around someone who is sick) I’ll take three doses a day for a couple of days and it has prevented me from getting sick every single time.

    A cup of tea

    10. Immuni-Tea Booster

     The antioxidants, polyphenols, and flavonoids found in black, green, and white teas are credited with boosting your immunity. Green and white teas are especially high in EGCG, a powerful type of antioxidant shown to enhance immune function. The fermentation process of black tea destroys a lot of the EGCG. Whereas green and white teas are steamed and not fermented, so the EGCG is more preserved.

     Green and white teas are also a good source of the amino acid L-theanine which aids in the production of germ-fighting compounds in your T-cells. Drinking these teas regularly can also positively affect blood lipids by increasing your good HDL cholesterol while decreasing your LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides.

    Pro-Tip: Drink organically grown teas to limit your exposure to pesticides.

    Wishing you health, happiness, and vitality in 2025!

  • The Power of The Mind-Body Connection

    A mind-body connection infographic with mindfulness words flowing in a circular clockwise pattern.
    A mind-body connection infographic with mindfulness words flowing in a circular clockwise pattern.

    How Your Mind-Body Connection Affects Your Fitness Results

    Who likes wasted effort? 

    I know my clients and I certainly don’t!

    So when you’re trying to get the most out of your workouts, it’s essential to remember…

    Keep your focus on your form and your mind in the movement.

    If your mind is wandering, you’re missing out on the most important part of the exercise – the muscle contraction. The more you contract and feel the muscles you’re working, the more effective the exercise will be. 

    We all want the best results possible in the shortest amount of time so that’s why you need to focus and make every rep count.

    Staying Mindful In The Movement

     If you’re suffering through a workout on pure grit, you’ll likely be ignoring pain or objections from the body. There’s a difference between feeling the burn of an exercise vs. the sharp pain of your body letting you know something’s wrong. And this disconnection from your body sets the stage for potential injuries.

    Exercise should not be an out-of-body experience.

    Focus by putting your full attention on the muscles you are strengthening as you contract and relax with each repetition.

     Staying mindful in the movement not only exercises your muscles more efficiently, but it’s also a great mindfulness exercise for your brain to help strengthen your mental focus too. The repetitive nature of exercising provides a perfect training ground for practicing mindfulness.

     So try to remember to let go of distractions and unrelated thoughts and focus your attention on the muscles contracting and your form throughout the exercise. When you give your full awareness to your workout, you’re able to do it more effectively (and safely).

    Stress Less

    We all know that too much stress can infect every area of our lives and there are times when our workouts can be compromised because of it. Like when you’re exercising only to be rushing through your reps, clock-watching and/or thinking about all the other things you could or should be doing.

    There’s a flow that happens when you pay attention to what you’re doing in the current moment. It makes whatever you’re focused on, that much more effective. You’re missing out on that flow when you’re being distracted by your thoughts. 

    Remember Why You’re Exercising

    If you find yourself rushing through a workout or thinking about other things, remember WHY it’s so important to you. Reflect on WHY you have made exercise a priority and how this workout will help you right now.

    Motivation is fueled by the emotional juice that comes from your WHY.

    Remember that you’re setting this time aside specifically for your workout so give yourself the luxury of getting the most out of it! Take your time with each rep, especially during strength training exercises. Perform slow and controlled movements while focusing on your form. Think about your posture, holding your core engaged, and the muscles you are targeting.

    The more consistent you are, the easier and more natural it will become.

    And the real benefits of regular exercise goes way beyond aesthetics. The following are my top 10 (non-aesthetic) workout WHYS that can be helpful reminders for you too!

    My Top 10 Reasons Why I Exercise...

    ✔️ This workout will help me have more energy for my day.

    ✔️ I’ll feel a satisfying sense of accomplishment when I finish my workout.

    ✔️ I’ll sleep better tonight after this workout.

    ✔️ I deserve to take care of myself with self-care, and exercise is a part of that.

    ✔️ Working out helps me feel stronger and more confident.

    ✔️ Exercise helps me feel happier by increasing serotonin and dopamine levels. 

    ✔️ I’ll feel alleviated from stress when I exercise due to elevated levels of endorphins.

    ✔️ I really love delicious food and exercise helps to offset indulgences. 

    ✔️ Exercise balances my mind and my emotions.

    ✔️ Exercise helps keep my immune system stay strong.

    An infographic of awareness and positivity words with a beautiful sunset in the background.

  • 3 Easy Ways To Transform Your Workout Into A Mindfulness Practice

    The Mind Body Connection
    The Mind Body Connection

    The Power of Mindfulness

    Understanding the powerful connection between your mind and body is like unlocking an incredible secret to enhancing your fitness results!

    Staying mindful in the movement not only exercises your muscles more efficiently, but it’s also a great mindfulness exercise for your brain to help strengthen your focus. The synergy between your focused thought and the movement creates a perfect training ground for practicing mindfulness.

     As a fitness professional with a passion for holistic well-being, I’ve learned that true transformation goes far beyond the physical. In this blog post, we’ll be delving into the depths of the mind-body connection and its undeniable impact on your fitness results.  Nurturing this connection boosts your motivation and elevates you to another level of fulfillment!

     We all want the best results possible in the shortest amount of time so that’s why you have to focus and make every rep count. If your mind is wandering, you’re missing out on the most important part of the exercise – the muscle contraction. The more you squeeze and really feel the muscles you’re working, the more effective the exercise will be.


    3 Easy Ways To Transform Your Workout Into A Mindfulness Practice

    1. Remember To Breathe

    Breathing is the simplest way to deal with stress or distractions because it brings you back to the current moment. The idea is to let go of unrelated thoughts and give your full attention to your workout so you’re able to do it more effectively and safely. Focus your attention on your muscle contraction, your breathing, your form, and the movement of the exercise. The focused breathing also helps facilitate oxygen to the muscles more efficiently.

     So the next time you find your mind starting to wander during your workout, take a few slow and deep centering breaths to bring yourself back to the moment. Remember that you’re exercising right now and taking this time for you. That’s all you need to focus on. Everything else can be dealt with after your workout. 


    2. Set Your Intentions

     Setting your intentions before a workout helps you to form a clear plan in your mind of what you’re about to focus on. Make a mental note of what exercises you want to accomplish during your workout and visualize yourself successfully completing them. Imagine how your body will feel and the satisfied sense of accomplishment you’ll have when you’re done!

     Intention has organizing power so by clearly setting your intentions, you’ll lay the groundwork for its manifestation. Replace self-doubt with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your strength, resilience, and the progress you’ve made so far. Let these affirmations become your mantra during your workouts.

     Remember, where your attention goes, energy flows. So intentionally focus on your workout for the best and fastest results.

    3. Make Up Your Mindset

    Your mindset is just as vital to your fitness goals as exercising properly for your desired results. Mindsets affect the way we think about everything. And having a growth mindset not only helps you achieve your fitness goals faster, but it will enhance all areas of your life. Without a growth mindset, we don’t exert the required effort and so we remain perpetually stuck. But with a growth mindset, it enables you to break through plateaus that are typically holding you back. That’s because so much of your results depends on your mindset, your beliefs, and the thoughts you think.

    Remember, it’s what you’ve been THINKING that’s creating your body and your reality.

    How To Stay Mindful In The Movement

    Exercise should not be an out-of-body experience so put your full attention on the muscles you’re strengthening. Focus and feel your muscles contract and relax with each repetition. You have to consciously practice being present to help stay focused on your workout. As you move through the exercises, your mind and awareness will start to naturally wander but it’s your job to come back to the present moment. It doesn’t matter how many times your attention drifts, just keep coming back to staying mindful in the movement.

    Building a strong mind-body connection takes time and practice so be patient with yourself and celebrate every step forward – no matter how small. The more consistent you are with this practice, the easier and more natural it becomes. You’re not only enhancing your physical fitness but also nurturing your mental and emotional well-being.

    So, let’s step into a new realm of exercise that’s truly transformative.

    Your body and mind will thank you for it!


    Practice being present

    Benefits Of Mindful Exercise

    ✔︎ Increases the effectiveness of your workouts and the exercises you’re performing.

     ✔︎ Decreases your chances of injury.

     ✔︎ Helps you stay focused on your form and contracting your muscles.

    ✔︎ Strengthens your mindfulness practice.

    ✔︎ Helps you tap into a well of inspiration that motivates you to stay committed to your fitness goals.

    ✔︎ Enhances your enjoyment of exercise and supports you in developing a healthy and loving relationship with your body.

  • Resistance Training 101: Why You Need It Now

    Racks of various sized free-weights with an inspirational quote on the wall that says, "Act Like a Lady, Lift Like a Boss."
    A woman doing a dumbbell bicep curl exercise. The words, 'Top benefits of resistance training for women.'

    Resistance Training 101

    Resistance training is defined as the method of exercise intended to increase muscular strength by working against any form of weight or resistance. There are many ways you can strengthen your muscles, whether at home or in the gym. Free weights, weight machines, bands, loops, or even your own body weight can all be used as forms of resistance.

    The resistance challenges the muscles, breaking down the muscle fibers and forcing them to rebuild stronger. It not only improves muscle tone and structure, but it also helps build bone density and increases your metabolism too!

    And aside from the aesthetics, resistance training has countless health benefits that can help you sleep better, feel happier, and have a more balanced body and mind. 

    And what’s better than that?


    Resistance Training Vs. Cardio

     No disrespect to cardio, but if you want to burn fat and shape your body — both in and out of the gym — resistance training is what you need.

    I’m often asked what’s a better workout, cardio or resistance training? The short answer is, they’re both great and can compliment each other well in the right proportions.

     However, if given the choice between the two, resistance training yields the greatest results. Unlike cardio, it increases your lean muscle which elevates your metabolism for long after your workout. Whereas with cardio, you’re only burning calories during the workout.

     Unbeknownst to many, cardio results in the loss of not just fat and water weight – but muscle too. And since muscle largely contributes to the body’s shape and form, losing this precious tissue can actually make your body appear flabby or deflated after weight-loss (aka skinny-fat.) And you can only build and shape lean muscle with some form of resistance training.

    The Best Of Both Worlds...

      If you’re wanting more cardio in your workout routine, you can be strategic about your resistance training with my personal favorite method, circuit training.

     Circuit training is performing a series of exercises with minimal rest in between sets to help keep your heart rate up. So performing resistance exercises ‘circuit style’ will give you the added benefit of cardio conditioning work, all-in-one.

     For truly effective body sculpting and weight-loss, there’s just no way around resistance training. It’s the only non-surgical, non-invasive method by which you can shape your body to look the way you want it to look – period.

    Racks of various sized free-weights with an inspirational quote on the wall that says, "Act Like a Lady, Lift Like a Boss."

    Top 7 Reasons Why You Need Resistance Training In Your Life

    1) Increased Metabolism

    Resistance training increases lean muscle which in turn, elevates your metabolism – even at rest.  And the more lean muscle you have, the faster your metabolism will be. That’s because having an elevated metabolism helps your body burn calories and body fat more efficiently. One moderate intensity training session can elevate your metabolism for up to 12 hours!


     In other words, you’ll burn more calories, and ultimately lose more weight over time than you would with just doing cardio.


    Therefore, resistance training is essential for creating and maintaining the muscle needed to fuel the fat-burning process. Since muscle is active tissue (unlike fat) it requires energy to maintain.

    Resistance training can provide up to a 15% increase in metabolic rate for weight loss and long-term weight control. For every additional pound of muscle you gain, your body will burn about 50 more calories each day! 

    2) Improves Bone Density

    Resistance training has been shown to strengthen bone density, which can reduce the risk of breaks, fractures and osteoporosis as you age. Since women are typically prone to osteoporosis, it is especially beneficial in prevention.

       A study conducted by Miriam E. Nelson, Ph.D. of Tufts University proved that resistance training increases both muscle mass and bone density. Dr. Nelson’s research showed a 3% increase in spine and bone mineral density after an 18-month resistance training program among women ages 25 to 49.

    Woman doing bicep curls with free-weights as a form of resistance training.

    3) Stress Reliever & Mood Enhancer

     Resistance training is vital to your brain health, function and general sense of well-being. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins that helps improve your mood, prevents pain, and fights depression. Increased endorphins will naturally reduce anxiety and stress, as well as improve alertness and energy levels too. It also increases the production of the brain-derived neurotransmitter related to improving cognitive function.

     Resistance training also increases levels of serotonin – your brain’s own natural anti-depressants. A Harvard study showed that 10 weeks of resistance training reduces clinical depression symptoms more successfully than standard counseling alone. And after three months, 18 of the 20 participants felt significantly better and no longer met the criteria for depression.

    4) Anti-Aging Effects

    Resistance training has been shown to help keep you looking and feeling younger – longer!  As we age, muscle mass naturally decreases if you’re not working out to preserve it – which can cause skin to sag in not-so-pretty ways.

    With resistance training, you can counteract age-related muscle-tone loss while maintaining a more youthful physique. This is a result of resistance trainings ability to increase your levels of, HGH (Human Growth Hormone). Endocrinologists have recognized HGH as your body’s own fountain of youth! 

     HGH is produced in the pituitary gland and plays a vital role in bone and muscle development – particularly in women. HGH levels start to decline in your 30’s which can lead to premature aging and atrophy of muscle tissue. According to the American Physiological Society, women who undertake a long-term resistance training program produce more biologically active HGH.  

    5) Improves Your Sleep

    A Johns Hopkins research study proved that regular resistance training can help alleviate insomnia and increase your sleep quality too. Participants who exercised 3x per week for 12 weeks found they no longer had trouble falling sleep, they slept longer, more deeply, and awakened less often. 

    A Boston University School of Medicine study showed that just 20 to 30 minutes of daily exercise can help improve the quality of your sleep. I’ve seen many of my clients improve their sleep quality as a result of our regular workouts. And with the amount of exercise I get with my daily clients, I can attest that I have no troubles falling asleep at night…😉 


    A woman sitting up in bed stretching overhead and smiling and looking refreshed after a good night's sleep. Make sleep a priority, quote.

    6) Reduces Your Risk Of Heart Disease & Diabetes

     Resistance training alone has been found to lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer – whether or not you do cardio. A study published in the March issue of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that individuals who did any amount of resistance training on a weekly basis had a 40 to 70 percent reduced risk of developing a heart attack, stroke, or death related to heart disease compared with individuals who did not.

     Adult-onset (Type 2) diabetes is a growing problem, with over 14 million Americans suffering from the condition. Research shows that resistance training can increase glucose utilization in the body by 23 percent in just four months. As muscles contract and relax during exercise, they use sugar for energy. To meet this energy need, your body uses sugar supplies in your blood, reducing your blood sugar levels.

    7) Boosts Your Energy Level

     Feeling winded by everyday activities? Building lean muscle enables you to have more energy for your everyday life. Carrying groceries and lifting kids becomes a lot easier.

    Endorphins get released when we are doing something that requires high energy —  it is what makes us move. Since exercise increases your endorphin release, this contributes to the feeling of euphoria commonly known as “runner’s high.” Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when your lung and heart health improve, you feel more energy and vitality!

    A group of women working out with free-weights in an exercise class.